Garry's Mod

Admin Commands

These are the available console commands for administrators in the the Gmod server. Most of them can be used in chat, some of them don't. However, If you want to use them in console Be sure to put "ulx" or "xgui" at the beginning of the command; without the quotations, of course. And yes, include the space between "ulx" or "xgui" and the command name as well as its parameters. No underscores are necessary. Most of the commands begin with "ulx", unless otherwise listed. Make sure to end the command with any type of parameter as needed.

If the commands are usable in chat they will have an exclamation point "!" in front of them. If they have "ulx" or "xgui" in front of them in the list, they are console only commands.

Examples- ulx jail playernames seconds, xgui fban playername.

Examples- /ban playername minutes , /xban player.

FILTER  examples: say | vote | jail

  • !armor - Sets the armour for target(s).
  • !blind - Blinds target(s).
  • !cloak - - Cloaks target(s).
  • !freeze - - Freezes target(s).
  • !god - - Grants god mode to target(s). (opposite: o ulx ungod)
  • !hp - Sets the health for target(s).
  • !ignite - Sets target(s) on fire. (opposite: ulx unignite)
  • !jail - - Jails target(s).(opposite: ulx unjail)
  • !jailtp - - Teleports, then jails target(s).
  • !maul - - Mutilates target(s) to shreds.
  • !playsound - - Plays a sound (relative to sound directory).
  • !ragdoll - - Ragdolls target(s).(opposite: ulx unragdoll)
  • !slap - - Slaps target(s) with given damage.
  • !slay - - Slays target(s).
  • !sslay - - Silently slays target(s).
  • !strip - - Strips the weapons of target(s).
  • !unigniteall - - Extinguishes all players and all entities.
  • !whip - - Slaps target(s) with a given amount of times and damage.
  • !cexec - - Run a command on console of target(s).
  • ulx ent - - Spawn an ent, separate the flag and value with ':' [{< flag >:< value >}].
  • ulx exec - - Execute a file from the cfg directory on the server. (include file name)
  • ulx luarun - - Executes lua in server console. (Use '=' for output)
  • !rcon - - Executes rcon command on server console.
  • ulx addgroup - - Create a new group with optional inheritance. < group > [< inherits from >]
  • ulx adduser - - Add a user to specified group.
  • ulx adduserid- - Add a user by Steam ID, IP, or UniqueID to specified group.
  • ulx renamegroup - - Removes a specified group.
  • ulx groupallow - - Add to a group's access. < group > < command > [ < access tag > ]
  • ulx groupdeny - - Remove from a group's access.
  • ulx removegroup - - Removes a group. USE WITH CAUTION.
  • ulx removeuser - - Permanently removes a user's access.
  • ulx removeuserid - - Permanently removes a user's access by Steam ID, IP or UniqueID.
  • ulx renamegroup - - Renames a group.
  • ulx setgroupcantarget - - Sets what a group is allowed to target. [ < target string>]
  • ulx userallow - - Add to a user's access. < command> [< access tag >]
  • ulx userallowid - - Add to a user's access by Steam ID, IP or UniqueID. < command > [ < access tag >]
  • ulx userdeny - - Remove from a user's access. < player > < command > [< remove explicit allow or deny instead of outright denying: 0/1 >]
  • ulx userdenyid - - Removes from a user's access by Steam ID, IP or UniqueID. < command > [< remove explicit allow or deny instead of outright denying: 0/1 >]
  • ulx usermanagementhelp - - Pull up the user management menu.
  • !asay - - Send a message to currently connected admins.
  • !csay - - Send a message to everyone in the middle of their screen.
  • !gag - - prevents a player from communicating in both chat box and voice chat.
  • !gimp - - Prevents a player from chatting normally.
  • !mute - - Mutes a player in text chat.
  • !psay - - Send a private message to specified player.
  • !thetime - - Shows the server time.
  • !tsay - - Send a message to everyone in the chat box.
  • !veto - - Veto a successful votemap.
  • !vote- - Starts a public vote. {options}
  • !voteban - - Starts a public ban vote against a player. < player > [< minutes: 0<=x, default 1440 >] < reason >
  • !votekick - - Starts a public kick vote against a player. < player > < reason >
  • !votemap - - Vote for a map, no args lists available maps. (not a public vote)
  • !votemap2 - - Open up a public Vote for a map, no args lists available maps.
  • !bring - - Brings target to you.

  • !Goto
    - - Teleport to a target.
  • !return - - Returns target to last position before a teleport.
  • !send - - Teleport a player to another player.
  • !teleport - - Teleports a player to a spot you are aiming at.
  • !motd- - Brings up the message of the day window.
  • !xgui - - Opens and/or closes XGUI. < show, hide, toggle >
  • !xgui fban - - Opens the add ban window, freezes the specified player, and fills out the Name/SteamID automatically.
  • !xgui xban - - Opens the add ban window and fills out Name/SteamID automatically if a player was specified.
  • !fp - - Opens the flexposer plugin menu.