Frequently asked questions

What are the rules?

The owners of the server and our other admins are pretty lenient when it comes to rules. The only real rules that we tend to get on people the most about are:

How do I become admin?

We receive many requests from people very often if they can become admin, please DO NOT ASK! It's extremely annoying! If you persist to ask us for admin and aren't joking around, there's a good chance you'll end up getting banned from the servers or blocked in steam chat, depending on who and where you ask. We will ask you to become admin if we feel you are the right person for the job! We look for people that possess certain personality traits, this job is not for everyone. Nor is it as glamorous as you might think it to be. In fact, it sucks. If you really want to become an admin, your best bet is to be a regular player on our servers and just act like a decent person, while following the rules above, of course.

What type of sprays are we allowed to have?

Anyone can spray whatever they damn well please. Yes, even porn. If you have a problem with someone's spray, no matter what it is, then you have the opportunity to simply just not look at it. We really don't care if you want to spray some hot, naked ladies or a little homosexual, furry porn. Go full 4Chan if you want, the point is we are not going to go out of our way to punish someone for something as ridiculous as a picture, just because you don't like it. Just don't look at it, it's not like your forced to.

Are we allowed to curse?

Yep! No swear filter here. similar to the "What sprays are we allowed to have?" section, You can swear all you want. We are not going to crack down on everyone, every time they drop a curse word. If you have a problem with curse words, then you probably shouldn't be playing a rated Mature game that includes obscene language.

Who are all the admins on the server?

A list of our staff can be found on our steam group page under the "moderators" category. The owners of the server are under the "administrators" category. They can be seen here.

Concerned Parent/guardian/older sibling?

First of all, Miyu's Funbox is privately owned and privately funded servers which are rated mature, on a game that is also rated for mature players. We will not take responsibility for your child/younger sibling, whom you allow to play (or watch you play) these mature rated games, on a mature rated server which we pay money for! If you don't think the content is appropriate for your child/younger sibling to see or hear, then why do you let them play (or watch you play) video games which are intended for adults!?