Half-Life 2: Deathmatch

Color Chart

You can use these named colors when using the /colorme and /mecolor commands. Of course, you can make ANY color you want if you use the hex or rgb chat commands.

Click HERE to see all of the custom chat commands...

Color Color Name Hex Parameters RGB Parameters
  aliceblue F0F8FF (240 248 255)
  antiquewhite FAEBD7 (250 235 215)
  aquamarine 7FFFD4 (127 255 212)
  azure F0FFFF (240 255 255)
  beige F5F5DC (245 245 220)
  bisque FFE4C4 (255 228 196)
DUH.... black 000000 (0 0 0)
  blue 0000FF (0 0 255)
  blueviolet 8A2BE2 (138 43 226)
  brown F4A460 (244 164 96)
  burlywood DEB887 (222 184 135)
  cadetblue 5F9EA0 (95 158 160)
  coral FF7F50 (255 127 80)
  cornflowerblue 6495ED (100 149 237)
  cornsilk FFF8DC (255 248 220)
  cyan 00FFFF (0 255 255)
  darkgrey A9A9A9 (169 169 169)
  darkkhaki BDB76B (189 183 107)
  darkorange FF8C00 (255 140 0)
  darkorchid 9932CC (153 50 204)
  darksalmon E9967A (233 150 122)
  darkseagreen 8FBC8F (143 188 143)
  darkturquoise 00CED1 (0 206 209)
  deeppink FF1493 (255 14 147)
  deepskyblue 00BFFF (0 191 255)
  dodgerblue 1E90FF (24 144 255)
  gainsboro DCDCDC (220 220 220)
  gold FFD700 (255 215 0)
  goldenrod DAA520 (218 165 32)
  green 00FF00 (0 255 0)
  greenyellow ADFF2F (173 255 47)
  grey BEBEBE (190 190 190)
  honeydew F0FFF0 (240 255 240)
  hotpink FF69B4 (255 105 180)
  indianred CD5C5C (205 92 92)
  ivory FFFFF0 (255 255 240)
  khaki F0E68C (240 230 140)
  lavender E6E6FA (230 230 250)
  lavenderblush FFF0F5 (255 240 245)
  lemonchiffon FFFACD (255 250 205)
  lightblue ADD8E6 (173 216 230)
  lightcoral F08080 (240 128 128)
  lightcyan E0FFFF (224 255 255)
  lightgoldenrod EEDD82 (238 221 130)
  lightgoldenrodyellow FAFAD2 (250 250 210)
  lightgreen 90EE90 (144 238 144)
  lightgrey D3D3D3 (211 211 211)
  lightpink FFB6C1 (255 182 193)
  lightsalmon FFA07A (255 160 122)
  lightskyblue 87CEFA (135 206 250)
  lightslateblue 8470FF (132 112 255)
  lightslategrey 778899 (119 136 153)
  lightsteelblue B0C4DE (176 196 222)
  lightyellow FFFFE0 (255 255 224)
  linen FAF0E6 (250 240 230)
  magenta FF00FF (255 0 255)
  mediumaquamarine 66CDAA (102 205 170)
  mediumorchid BA55D3 (186 85 211)
  mediumpurple 9370DB (147 112 219)
  mediumslateblue 7B68EE (123 104 238)
  mediumspringgreen 00FA9A (0 250 154)
  mediumturquoise 48D1CC (72 209 204)
  mintcream F5FFFA (245 255 250)
  mistyrose FFE4E1 (255 228 225)
  moccasin FFE4B5 (255 228 181)
  normal FFFFFF (255 255 255)
  orange FFA500 (255 165 0)
  orchid DA70D6 (218 112 214)
  palegoldenrod EEE8AA (238 232 170)
  palegreen 98FB98 (152 251 152)
  paleturquoise AFEEEE (175 238 238)
  palevioletred DB7093 (219 112 147)
  papayawhip FFEFD5 (255 239 213)
  peachpuff FFDAB9 (255 218 185)
  peru CD853F (205 133 63)
  pink FFC0CB (255 192 203)
  plum DDA0DD (221 160 221)
  powderblue B0E0E6 (176 224 230)
  purple A020F0 (160 32 240)
  red FF0000 (255 0 0)
  royalblue 4169E1 (65 105 225)
  salmon FA8072 (250 128 114)
  seashell FFF5EE (255 245 238)
  skyblue 87CEEB (135 206 235)
  slateblue 6A5ACD (106 90 205)
  slategrey 708090 (112 128 144)
  tan D2B48C (210 180 140)
  thistle D8BFD8 (216 191 216)
  tomato FF6347 (255 99 71)
  turquoise 40E0D0 (64 224 208)
  violet EE82EE (238 130 238)
  violetred D02090 (208 32 144)
  wheat F5DEB3 (245 222 179)
  white FFFFFF (255 255 255)
  yellow FFFF00 (255 255 0)
  yellowgreen 9ACD32 (154 205 50)