Half-Life 2: Deathmatch

Admin Commands

These are the CHAT versions of the commands unless otherwise noted. If you want to use them in console or bind them to keys, replace the slash(/) with sm_.

FILTER  examples: cp | prop | model

  • /admin - Displays the admin menu.
  • /ban - Temporarily Bans a player from the server <#userid|name> <minutes|0> [reason] (ex. /ban blorp 10 "You Can fuck right off")
  • /addban - - Temporarily Bans a player that isn't in game with you.
  • /banip - - Bans a Players IP address from the server. /banip <ip|#userid|name> <time> [reason]
  • /banprops - - Temporarily Bans a Player from prop spawning /banprops <player> <minutes | 1 = permenent> (ex. /banprops douche 1440 Prop blocking) .
  • /break - Breaks (shatters) what you are looking at if it can be broken.
  • /addprop - Adds the prop_dynamic entity that you are looking at to the new prefab. (see /newprefab)
  • /addprops - - Adds ALL prop_dynamic entities that are within a certain distance from you to the new prefab. /addprops (see /new prefab)
  • /addpropban - - Add a prop ban for someone that has already left the game. addpropban (ex. addpropban< STEAM_0:0:12345678 kenny 1440 sticking props in my face)
  • /alpha - - Sets player alpha. /alpha <name or #userid> <0-255>
  • /armor - - Sets a players armour to anywhere between 0 and 5000. (Yeah the actual command is spelt wrong) /armor
  • /beacon> - - Applys a flickering beacon to a player. /beacon <#userid|name> [0/1]
  • /beer - - Applys the beer run Roll the dice effect on a player.
  • /bitchslap - - Kind of speaks for itself. It's like evilpimpslap, but ends after a few huge slaps.
  • /blind - - Blinds a player. Leave amount off to reset. /blind <#userid|name> [amount]
  • /block - - Spawns a vertical blastdoor at the place you are aiming.
  • /block2 - - Spawns a view angled blastdoor at the place you are aiming at.
  • /block3 - - Spawns a flat blastdoor at the place you are aiming at.
  • /block4 - - Like /block2, but backwards.(for building backwards to you.)
  • /burn - - Temporarily sets a player on fire. /burn <#userid|name> [time]
  • /Scale - - Scales you or another player larger or smaller. /scale @aim [0.1 to 10.0]
  • /cancelprefab - - Stops making the new prefab and clears the prefab prop list you started. (see /newprefab)
  • /cancelvote - - Cancels a vote that you initiated.
  • /vote - - Starts a vote for whatever question you ask. /vote "Is Wildturkey a shithead?" "Yes" "No" "Perhaps"
  • /chat - - Sends Message to other admins in the server with you. Only visible to them, regular players can't see them.
  • /clcount- - Shows who is using a player command listener.
  • /clearlaser - - Kills the person using a laser turret. You must use a value other than index 1. /clearlaser [1-10]
  • /clearmortar - - Kills the person using a combine mortar station.
  • /clearrocket - - Kills the person using a rocket turret.
  • /clusterbomb - - Throws a Propane tank that scatters into grenades and explodes.
  • /colorize - - Colors a player. Who needs fuckin' Crayolas? /colorize <name or #userid> <color>
  • /colorize_colors - - Displays a List of available colors to /colorize and /colorme.
  • /colorme - - Color yourself.
  • /copy - - Copies a prop, model, etc. That you are looking at to your clipboard,If it is copyable. (See /paste)
  • /cplist - - Shows a list of players with checkpoints (see console if long list).
  • /cranelaser - - Spawns a laser attached to crane magnet you are aiming at. YOU MUST USE /killcranelaser to delete them! /cranelaser [1-10]
  • /createparticles - - Starts a custom particle system starting at your position.
  • /createparticles_attached - - Starts a custom particle system attached to a player.
  • /csay - - Sends centred message to all players in the middle of the screen.
  • /cvar - - Controls certain features in the server, like friendly fire and custom particles. /cvar [value]
  • /deleteallprops - - Delete ALL props that were spawned by ALL players (including yourself).
  • /deletemyprops - - Deletes ALL of your spawned props. Careful with that shit!
  • /deleteplayerprops - - Delete ALL props that were spawned by a specified player.
  • /deletepropspan> - - Deletes the prop you are looking at.
  • /disarm - - Strips a player of all weapons.
  • /disco - - Makes all players change different colors. Type it again to turn off.
  • /entalpha - - Sets the render amount of prop in front of you.
  • /entangle - - Sets the angle of an entity or prop.
  • /entcolor- - Colors a prop (rgb) in front of you if possible. /entcolor <0-255> <0-255> <0-255>
  • /entcount - - Sets the rotation of the prop in front of you. sm_setangle x y z
  • /entcreate - - Spawns an entity of a classname (WILL CRASH IF YOU TRY TO SPAWN THE WRONG THING!!) /entcreate
  • /entfreeze - - Freezes the entity you are looking at.
  • /entfx - - Sets the render fx of prop in front of you. /entfx <0-255 (0 = normal)
  • /entgrab - - Grab or drop certain entities without using your grav gun.
  • /entinfo - - Shows various info about the entity you are looking at.
  • /entinput - - Sends input to an entity. (Fairly safe to use this unless you kill certain ents with it.) /entinput <id|@aim|@me> [input] [value(s)]
  • /entinputall - - Sends input to all entities of this classname. /entinputall <classname> [input] [value(s)]
  • /entinputdistance - - Sends input to all entities of this classname that are within a certain distance of you. /entinputdistance <classname> <max distance> [input] [value(s)]
  • /entkill- - Kills/deletes entity you are looking at (BE CAREFUL! Don't delete bad things! ;) hehehe)
  • /entkillindex - - Kills/deletes entity index. (Class must be provided as extra precaution to prevent accidental deletion of unintended ent.)
  • /entkv - - Short-cut for /entinput, sets a entity's rendering.
  • /entmodel - - Sets the model of an entity.(Use full path - models/buggy.mdl for example.)
  • /entname - - Gets or sets an entity's targetname. (ex. /entname @aim mydoor)
  • /entteleport - - Teleports and entity to where you are aiming. /entteleport <entity index>
  • /entresetangle - - Resets angle of entity you are looking at to 0 0 0.
  • /entskin - - Changes the appearance of a model (if it has extra skins). Try this on the spawnable lambo or turkey's new wood blocks. The [entity] part is optional. (Ex. /setskin 1)
  • /entspeed - - Sets the velocity of dynamic props only. Useful for making jump pads. +z = up
  • /entunfreeze - - Unfreezes the entity you are looking at.
  • /evilpimpslap - - Slaps a player into fucking oblivion.
  • /evilvision - - Enables narrow, fucked up vision on a player.
  • /execcfg - - Executes a config file in the cfg folder of server. /execcfg <filename>
  • /explosion - - Creates a non-harmful explosion. /explosion [entity index]
  • /extend - - lengthen (or shorten with negative numbers) the time on the current map by this many minutes.
  • /fcvar - - Send a fake cvar to a player or players. (See /cvar)
  • /fakesay - - Makes a player/players say something in chat. Useful for making AFKs say rtv and stuff.)
  • /findbyclass - - Finds one or more entity IDs that have this classname. /findbyclass <classname> [startindex]
  • /findbydistance - - Finds one or more entity IDs that have this classname that are within a certain distance of you. /findbydistance <classname> <max distance> [startindex]
  • /findbyname - - Find a specifically named entity ID by its targetname.
  • /findbyhammerid - - Something to do with the Hammer Editor, maybe? I don't fuckin' know. /findbyhammerid <startindex> <hammerid>
  • /fireatall - - Makes the automated missile launcher lay waste to ALL players within sight! USE /stopfiring to stop it!
  • /fireatonce - - Makes the automated missile launcher fire one missile at a player or entity. /fireatonce <player or entity index>
  • /fireatrepeat - - Makes the automated missile launcher fire continuous missiles at a player or entity. Use /stopfiring to stop it!
  • /firebomb - - Same as /clusterbomb, just on fire.
  • /flashlight - - Spawns a useable flashlight of various styles. DO NOT SPAWN IN AREAS THAT HAVE ENEMY NPCs. PLAYERS WILL CRASH THE MAP WITH THEM! /flashlight [flashlight number 1-10]
  • /flashlightoff - - Turns a flashlight off manually. /flashlightoff <flashlight number>
  • /flashlighton - - Turns a flashlight on manually.
  • /focus - - Makes a single beacon blip emit from an entity or player.
  • /fort - - Constructs a large fort out of misc combine models. This prefab can cause a lot of lag so use only in places where there is not a lot of stuff.
  • /freeze - - Freezes a player for this amount of time. /freeze <#userid|name> [time] (in seconds)
  • /freezebomb - - Makes a player freeze after short countdown. /freezebomb <#userid|name> [0/1]
  • /freezeflashlight- - Keeps players from fucking with your flashlight shit. /freezeflashlight <flashlight number 1-10>
  • /gag - - Shuts a player up in chat.
  • /ged - - Returns a value for the specified entity's property.
  • /getclientcvar - - Gets the value of a client's cvar (ex. /getclientcvar @aim cl_cmdrate)
  • /getme - - Simply returns your own entity's index.
  • /getspray - - Sprays a player's spray where you are aiming,if they have one. (see /removespray)
  • /getvehicle - - When the game starts thinking everyone is in a vehicle, do this to get the vehicle's info. (and let wildturkey know)
  • /gibshooter2 - - Shoots gibs of specified model out of you. /gibshooter2 <path to model>
  • /giveammo1 - - Give primary ammo for a specified weapon to yourself or another player. /giveammo1 <player> <weapon name> <amount>
  • /giveammo2 - - Give secondary ammo for a specified weapon to yourself or another player.
  • /giveclipammo - - Hack the amount of ammo in the primary clip. (Resets to normal if player reloads manually or is not currently using the weapon.) /giveclipammo <player> <weapon name> <amount>
  • /giveweapon - - Give player(s) a weapon.
  • /glow - - Makes a player or entity glow. (non-lethal)
  • /god - - Set god mode on or off on a player or players; making them invincible. /god <player> <0 = off | 1 = on>
  • /goto - - Teleport to another player. /goto <player> (use 1 after player name to go to dead players.)
  • /grab - - Grab or drop a prop without using your gravity gun, if it belongs to you.
  • /gravity - - Sets player(s) gravity. Leave amount off to reset. Amount is 0.0 through 5.0. /gravity <#userid|name> [amount]
  • /gravityoff - - Turns gravity off on physics object you are looking at.
  • /gravityon - - Turns gravity on for the physics object you are looking at.
  • /help - - Displays SourceMod commands and descriptions.
  • /hp - - Sets player(s) health to anywhere between 0 and 500.
  • /ignite - - Sets what you are looking at on fire, if possible.
  • /invis - - Toggles or sets player invisibility. /invis <name or #userid> <1|0>
  • /invisplayer - - Same as /invis. (Doesn't make weapon they're holding invisible)
  • /keepprop - - Makes a player prop not disappear when they disconnect. Mainly to be used for things like blockers on completed levels and such, but can be used on any players' prop.
  • /kick - - Just kicks a player from the server. They Can rejoin instantly. (ex. /kick john w0w stahp)
  • /killlauncher- - Deletes the automated missile launcher if there is one.
  • /killalllasers - - Deletes ALL custom laser turrets that are currently spawned.
  • /killallmortars - - Deletes ALL custom combine mortar stations that are currently spawned.
  • /killallsabers - - Deletes ALL light sabers that are currently spawned. DOES NOT DELETE THE ONES THAT ARE BUILT INTO MAPS.
  • /killchopper - - Deletes the pilot-able combine chopper if there is one and kills the driver/passengers in the process.
  • /killcranelaser - - Kills/deletes a /cranelaser from crane magnet. /killcranelaser [1-10]
  • /killlaser - - Deletes a custom laser turret. You must use a value if deleting one other than index 1.
  • /killmortar - - Deletes a custom combine mortar station. You must use a value if deleting one other than index 1.
  • /killrocket - - Deletes a custom rocket turret. You must use a value if deleting one other than index 1.
  • /launcher - - Creates an automatic missile launcher that kills people who shoot/damage the launcher base. YOU MUST USE /killlauncher to delete it!
  • /lengthen - - Move a grabbed object farther away from you.
  • /listpropbans - - Display a list of players that are currently banned from prop spawning in console.
  • /lock - - Locks doors, buttons, vehicles, and prevents physics objects from being picked up or shot by gravity gun.
  • /map - - Changes the map instantly.(Do not include .bsp on the map name.)
  • /maphistory - - Shows the most recent maps played.
  • /mapvote - - Forces Map chooser to attempt to run a map vote now.
  • /modelme - - Sets your model to the model of what you are looking at, if possible.
  • /modelyou - - Changes a player's model to your model.
  • /msay - - Sends message as a menu panel.
  • /mute - - Shuts a player up on mic chat.
  • /newprefab - - Starts a new prefab builder. Use /addprop to add player props and /saveprefab to save when you are done.
  • /noclip - - Fly away! Unclips you or a player from the ground.
  • /nominate_addmap - - Forces a map to be on the next mapvote.
  • /nyan - - Applys The Nyan Cat attack roll the dice option on a player.
  • /overlay - - Toggles or forces a material to be displayed on targets screen overlay. /overlay <#userid|name> [material]
  • /paste - - Pastes the model in your clipboard to where you are aiming. (see /copy)
  • /pastedynamic - - Pastes(spawns) model of what you previously copied as a non-moving entity. (see /copy command).
  • /pastephysics - - Pastes(spawns) model of what you previously copied as a moving entity. (see /copy command).
  • /play - - Plays a sound to one or more players. (Also see /playsnd)
  • /playsnd - - Plays a sound to all players.
  • /playsound - - Plays a sound to all players that can be stopped using /stopsound.
  • /prefab - - Spawns a new prefab (see /prefablist)
  • /prefabinfo - - Lists the current prop_dynamic entities that you have added to a new prefab. (see /newprefab)
  • /prefablist - - Loads a list of prefabs that you can spawn with /prefab.
  • /press - - Only use this on locked buttons. It unlocks, presses, and then locks a button.
  • /propcountall - - Shows you the total number of player props currently spawned on the server.
  • /propcountplayer - - Shows you how many props a specified player has spawned.
  • /psay - - Sends private message to someone.(USE QUOTES "AROUND YOUR MESSAGE"!)
  • /punish - - Obliterate a player.
  • /ragdoll - - Spawns a ragdoll.(They are laggy as shit, so don't spawn more than a couple.)
  • /rcon - - Enables the Rcon console. But, only Wildturkey and Miyu-Chan have access to this command so LOL!
  • /reloadadmins - - Refreshes the sourcemod admin list.(After a new admin has been added to the file.)
  • /removedoor - - Removes a door.
  • /removeplayercp - - Remove a player's checkpoint.
  • /removespray - - Hides a player's spray. Warn them, then ban them, if they keep spraying it.
  • /rename - - Renames a player. (USE QUOTES "AROUND THEIR NEW NAME"!)
  • /resetcvar - - Resets a server cvar to default settings. (See /cvar)
  • /revote - - Forces a re-vote of the last vote initiated.
  • /saveprefab - - Saves the new prefab to disk (see /newprefab and /addprop). Height is a bitch - depends on local origin of prop and if prop is sticking under the ground or in mid-air. Just try 0 and Wildturkey can fix it later./saveprefab
  • /say - - Sends message to all players.
  • /searchcmd - - Searches sourcemod commands. /searchcmd <search string>
  • /sed - - Sets a specified entity's property.(WILL CRASH IF YOU SET THE WRONG PROPERTY!!) /sed <id|@aim|@me>
  • /sedall - - Sets property of ALL specified entities of this classname (WILL CRASH IF YOU SET THE WRONG PROPERTY!!).
  • /setfx - - Sets the render fx of prop in front of you, different alpha settings basically. /setfx <0-255> 0 = normal
  • /setlighting - - Set the style of lighting. /setlighting <style> (style 0-14 | 0 = normal | 13 = dark | 14 = bright)
  • /setnextmap - - Sets the next map to be this map. Do not include .bsp on the name.(DOES NOT END THE CURRENT MAP!)
  • /setplayercp - - Set a player's checkpoint at the place you are currently positioned.
  • /setproplimit - - Set the max amount of props a player(s) can have.
  • /setplayermodel - - Set someone's model for them (use the full model path like - models/alyx.mdl).
  • /setspeed - - Sets the velocity of dynamic props only. Useful for making jump pads. /setspeed +z = up
  • /shack - - Spawns a small, 10-blocker shack where you are looking.
  • /shake - - Shakes a player's screen. (ex. /shake Jim 50.0 150.0 3.0)
  • /shorten - - Move a grabbed object closer to you.
  • /silence - - Shuts a player up completely, that means no mic or typing in chat box.
  • /slap - - Gives a good, single smack to a player. /slap <#userid|name> [damage] (Damage is optional.)
  • /slay - - Murderers a player.
  • /solid - - Turns a prop solid.(Only props spawned by turks prop plugin.)
  • /sparks - - Makes sparks fly out of an entity or player.
  • /spawnchopper - - Spawns a pilot-able combine chopper (from cockpit) with 3 passenger pods. YOU MUST USE /killchopper to delete it!! Use caution in lobbies where players can end the map. THIS WILL CRASH THE SERVER if you attempt to mess with the attached prisoner pods.
  • /spawndoor - - Spawns a lame door.
  • /spawndynamic - - Spawns a dynamic entity with a specific model. (ex. models/props_c17/bench01a.mdl)
  • /spawnlaser - - Spawns a usable laser turret (up to 10). YOU MUST USE /killlaser [1-10] to delete them! /spawnlaser [1-10]
  • /spawnmortar - - Spawns a usable combine mortar station (up to 10). YOU MUST USE /killmortar [1-10] to delete them! This one can actually kill people.
  • /spawnphysics - - Spawns a physics entity with a specific model.(ex. models/props_c17/bench01a.mdl)
  • /spawnrocket - - Spawns a usable rocket turret (up to 10). YOU MUST USE /killrocket to delete them! These can currently kill other players and deal massive damage, so use caution! hehe /spawnrocket [1-10]
  • /spawnsaber - - Spawns a custom light saber (up to 10). YOU MUST USE /killsaber to delete them! DO NOT SPAWN THESE WHERE NPCs ARE PRESENT! IT WILL CRASH THE SERVER! /spawnsaber [1-10]
  • /spawnweapon - - Spawns a weapon where you are aiming. (ex. gravgun | pistol | crowbar)
  • /speed - - Sets a players speed. /speed <player> <amount> (0.5 = half speed | 1 = normal | 4 = 4x speed)
  • /startlistening - - Starts the player command listener.
  • /stb2_banlist - - List STB2 bans in console.
  • /stb2_unbanlist - - List STB2 expired bans in console.
  • /steamid - - Shows a players SteamID.
  • /stopfiring - - Makes the automated missile launcher stop auto-firing missiles.
  • /stoplistening - <span style="color: #FFFFFF"> - Stops player command listener.
  • /stopparticles - - Stops all custom particle systems.
  • /tele - - Teleports player to where you are looking or to player2 if specified. /tele [player2]
  • /tele2 - - Teleports a list of players to where you are looking. (Using partial names is much easier.) /tele2 [player2] [player3] [player...] [optional seperation]
  • /tele3 - - Teleports a player to exact coordinates. /tele3
  • /teleflashlight- - Teleports an existing flash light to where you are aiming. <flashlight number 1-10>
  • /throw - - Throw the object or player you are holding with grab if it is possible.
  • /timebomb - - Explodes a player after a short countdown. /timebomb <#userid|name> [0/1]
  • /togglevehiclecp - - You can use this to toggle checkpointing in vehicles. Buuuut, It's completely useless, because when you spawn to the cp, the vehicle doesn't spawn with you.
  • /trails_print - - Prints trail stuff to console.
  • /trails_reload - - Reloads all configuration files and issues changes in-game.
  • /tsay - - Sends top-left message to all players. /tsay [color] <message>
  • /unban - - Unban a previously banned player. /unban <steamid|ip>
  • /unbanprops - - Restore a banned player's prop spawning abilities.(Person has to be in-game for this to work.)
  • /unblock - - Deletes the blocker or player prop you are looking at.
  • /unblockall - - Deletes all of your blockers and player props.
  • /unfreezeflashlight - - Unfreezes a flash light.
  • /ungag - - Restores a player's ability to use chat.
  • /unlock - - Unlocks doors, buttons, vehicles, and enables gravity gun pickup and shooting of physics objects.
  • /unmute - - Restores a player's ability to use Mic.
  • /unsilence - - Restores a player's ability to use Mic and chat.
  • /unsolid - - Turns a prop unsolid. (Only props spawned by turk's prop plugin.)
  • /vote - - Starts a custom vote. /vote <question> [Answer1] [Answer2] ... [Answer5](USE QUOTES "AROUND BOTH QEUSTION AND ANSWERS")
  • /votealltalk - - Not really needed, we can all talk already.(Unless you go berserk and mass mute everyone, I guess.)
  • /voteban - - Start a vote to ban someone. /voteban <player> [reason]
  • /voteburn - - Start a vote to burn someone. /voteburn <player>
  • /voteff - - Start a friendly fire vote.
  • /votegravity - - Start a vote to change gravity. /votegravity <amount> [amount2] ... [amount5] (Use values between 0.1 and 4.0)
  • /votekick - - Start a vote to kick someone. /votekick <player> [reason] (Kind of a waste of time, they can just rejoin right away.)
  • /votemap - - Start a map vote.(THIS WILL END THE CURRENT MAP AFTER THE VOTE IS COMPLETE!) /votemap <mapname> [mapname2] ... [mapname5]
  • /wall - - Builds a pretty much useless 2w x 10h blocker wall.
  • /who - - Tells you if someone is admin or not and to what extent. /who [#userid|name]